The record books of our life anyway! Days where you have to call Poison Control and take someone to the Emergency Room and they're not the same person, are days to remember!
David was pretty sick during the night and early this morning with a yucky stomach virus. Hannah knew David was sick, and instead of watching Disney while I talked with a nurse on the phone about David's condition, she decided to get Daddy some medicine.
Well, it all went south from there. The nurse firmly told me that I must get David to the ER and right after that I found Hannah on the kitchen counter in the medicine cabinet there where she had very carefully put 20 Beano tablets into a cup for liquid medicine. She told me, "I get medicine for Daddy," very matter-of-factly. I asked her if she ate any, and she said, "Yes." I asked her how many she ate, and she said, "Four, five." I looked in her mouth (we had not had any breakfast as of yet) and there was clearly Beano residue in her teeth. I counted out the 20 remaining tablets (of a 30-count bottle), and as I only had taken 4 or 5 myself, I determined that she had eaten at least 5 of them. Thankfully, Beano is not a toxic substance! Poison control just told me to keep her hydrated with water, tea, or Kool-Aid. I don't know about the tea and Kool-Aid, but I gave her as much water as she would take!
Back to David, we got him to the ER at 10am finally and picked him up about 1:30. In the meantime, we made a picnic to take to a park and got ice cream cones at Chick-fil-A. David got an IV of saline to rehydrate him and he began to feel more like himself.
THEN, just when we'd somewhat recovered from the events of the day, it was time to get ready to go out to dinner with some good friends! And, WE GOT TO RIDE IN A LIMO!!! Of the eight of us, David was the only one who had ever ridden in a limo. It was so much fun. We had sparkling grape juice. stopped for coffee, took about a million pictures, and drove through some beautiful places in Montgomery, learning some interesting history as well.
Thank you, Ruth, for organizing it all; and thank you, Angie and April, for being two of my biggest sources of strength in my many times of weakness. God is good and He has shown His goodness to David and me so vividly through His people being so like Him in their behavior toward us. I pray we can reflect this love and kindness to others when they have a need we can meet.
Ten Year Blogiversary Boot Camp
11 years ago