Seven's the number man. Seven years of marriage as of today. First off, thanks to Alyse for the awesome Happy Bananaversary card. She is my unofficial third sister from H.S. and she never forgets a birthday, holiday, special event, childbirth, whatever. Thanks also to my sister, Katy, who sent Rachel a Mother's Day card - almost a full week early! That rocks! It's certainly a much better record than I have at remembering important dates.
As for marriage, it rocks also. It's not always easy though. Even tonight was a challenge. Our evening was cut short because Hannah had to be in bed by a certain time or else she reaches "critical mass". Critical mass for a child is very similar to critical mass in the physical world. Basically, once they get past the point that they would have easily gone down, they start crying. Now they can't go to sleep because it's loud, because they're crying. Since they can't go to sleep they just get more and more tired, so they cry louder and longer. Etcetera etcetera etcetera and so on and so forth - you know how the rest of the evening goes.
I've found none of our children to be an exception to this and it certainly was a wise maneuver to come home from our date and prevent this from happening tonight. So, we spent the rest of the evening watching Jeremy Camp Unplugged on the wall.
Oh yeah, marriage. Let's put it this way - I don't always understand the emotions and exchanges we go through as a couple; I do know this though, we are always stronger on the other side. God somehow takes crazy nights like tonight and turns them around - completely obliterating the notion that we were all just accidents, spawned from primordial soup millions of years ago. No, His plan is perfect - so perfect that we (in our imperfection) can in no way grasp it or even come close to predicting the next move. So, in light of that, this evening was perfect. My plans were not, and He still has great things in store - even though the evening is nearly over!
God bless ya'll!
Ten Year Blogiversary Boot Camp
11 years ago
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