We have once again been enjoying the fruit of our labor. Granted, we haven't worked that hard on the garden this year, but we are nonethelessenjoying it's fruit. We have little grape tomatoes growing like crazy! We gave a ziplock bag full to our neighbors and have a bowl sitting on our counter that we just take a couple from every so often. They're very sweet! The bigger tomatoes, Better Boys, finally developed (I think it was too hot before) and are large and turning red. I've had one already on a turkey sandwhich and it was really yummy also. It makes me realize that I only tolerate tomatoes from the store. I don't enjoy them, except rarely. I wouldn't even really eat tomatoes at all until after I turned 20! My favorite way to eat them is on sandwiches and hamburgers and taco salad. What is your favorite way to eat a tomato? Comment and let me know!
Oh, and let me not forget the watermelon! I almost did with that tomato story. Well, despite my best efforts, I only got one melon. I picked it today, washed it and put it in the fridge. I cut it open tonight and upon first looking, knew I should had left it on the vine for another 2-3 days. I've been watching it closely for almost a week and it hadn't grown any bigger and sounded very ready via the "thumping" method. However, despite its looks and small seeds, it still had a very sweet taste!
And the red peppers were actually yellow! Maybe somebody switched the signs at Home Depot and snickered to themselves, "Somebody is going to think they're buying red peppers and they're actually going to be yellow! Ha, ha, ha, ha!" But then again, maybe it was an honest mistake. You never know about these things. Whichever the case, they were fine. Not amazing, not bad; they just were. I love peppers in salads, but I also love them roasted!
Ten Year Blogiversary Boot Camp
11 years ago
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