Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Boundary Waters with my sibs

10/11/06 - 8 Days in the wilderness and 36-hours later, I'm back at my parent's house in Gainesville, GA. Rachel and the kids are still visiting with her grandparents and we should be meeting up again this weekend to make the final push, as a family, to our new home. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) was unbelievable! We truly "roughed it" for the entire time. I think we saw about 5 other canoes the entire time out and experienced black bears on our island, wolves howling through the night, beavers, otters, and all sorts of weather! At times, we were forced to make landfall much earlier than planned and wait out winds that caused two-foot waves in lakes that are normally completely placid. It was well worth the journey, and we all learned a lot and had a great time! I've included a few pics from the trip to the right. They hardly do justice to the grandeur of this somewhat obscure wilderness area. God Bless you all! - David

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