Monday, August 4, 2008

Burger King

Well, I would have certainly been the last person to believe that anything good could come from Burger King, but this time, I was wrong.

A few weeks ago, while David was waiting for his food (if you can call it that!), he decided to enter his name into the drawing they were having. Well, much to his surprise he won something! And a pretty cool something at that! He won an Ipod Nano. Well, since he already has a Sansa player for himself, and since the Nano was PINK, he graciously conceded his prize to his dear wife. (He might tell the story slightly differently, but nevermind that!) So, in his words I "looked funny" listening to my new pink ipod nano while I washed the dishes on Saturday after working in the garden in the hot Alabama sun! I'll let you be the judge.


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