I am weeks away from coming home now and the year has been amazing! Still, there is a lap left and I would be remiss to not ask everyone to continue praying for my safety as well as Rachel and the kids during these remaining days.
Still, I am thankful. I am thankful for the prayers more than anything else. They have sustained me through some very difficult and dark times since getting to training in November, 2008 and I know they will continue to sustain us as we prepare for a much longed-for reunion.
I am also thankful beyond words for the generosity poured out to Rachel and the kids while I have been away. Everything from lawn mowings to surprise baby-sitting just for Rachel's sanity has been more than we could have ever asked for. Thank you.
I would also like to say thank you to anyone who sent anything over to me. In some ways its a hassle - you gotta fill out the insurance/customs papers for the USPS and you gotta pay for the items and then pay for postage. And in a lot of cases you knew full well that the only thing I could really do was relish in the love that was sent over seas and then send it straight back to the house! Regardless, you sent it - and you sent a lot of it! The above picture shows only a fraction of the packages and letters I received over the last year. I debated over whether or not to publish a list (I've kept a pretty good one so far) of everything I've received and who sent it, but I know that no one sent anything hoping for any special notariety or privilege so I will let those who sent stuff know who they are and instead relish in the joy that comes from giving in love.
A few more weeks and (Lord willing) I will be on my way home. Thank you all again!
In Him Always,