Monday, January 21, 2008

Hannah's Friends

We had so many wonderful visitors at the hospital during the 48-hours required for newborns. Here are a few of the folks who stopped by to drop off gifts and their congratulations - you all rock!
This was the largest group to visit - my flight from SOS. Yes, we fit them all in our tiny room!
The most unexpected visitor was the snow on the day we left the hospital. All three of our children have now been brought into the world during snowfall - even this Alabama sweetheart!
Ged and Melinda also stopped by and left daddy a very nice gift - a box of cigars!

Ryan takes the prize for travelling the furthest. He was actually in town for a conference, but we've known him and his wife since we were stationed together in Alaska.
My mom and dad drove down the night she was born from Gainesville, GA. They were able to stay a few days and watch Andrew and Elizabeth while Rachel and I stayed with Hannah.

As you may have read in an earlier post, Bonnie was a huge help to us during this busy time. Here she is with her kids, Cole and Nate.

1 comment:

  1. That was so cool of your flight to come and visit! You've got a good lookin' crew! Hello??!! My sister?! She's single! :) Anyhoo, love the pictures of Hannah! She's a beauty! As far as I'm two can have as many children as you want!!!! No kidding!
