Saturday, November 10, 2007

Instruments in worship or not?

I wandered on to an interesting post tonight after watching a dismal performance by Auburn in Athens as they got trounced by UGA.  The article is here, and it speaks of the unscriptural act of using instruments in worship - likening those who do, to the Pharisees.  So, I checked out another site to see the opposing argument and found this article supporting the act.  I've already forwarded my opinions and scriptural discoveries to the author(s) of the first article mentioned, but I am more interested in what you think.  Is instrumental worship a help or hindrance?  Is it a blessing or blasphemy?  Why?  If you are willing, put your hermeneutical skills to the test and let us know what you believe!   God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. I can't understand why praise or worship with musical instruments would ever be looked down upon! So what if that's not how it used to be done. I think that's one thing many religious institutions have failed to recognize... TIMES CHANGE.
